Protect the integrity of sport

Guided by the unique features of sport, its protection, and the impact it can have on society and its more vulnerable groups, we support and obtain support for effective and innovative programs and partnerships in the field of our expertise with a multidisciplinary approach in the core areas of values and integrity. 

Why get involved with CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity?

  • Make a meaningful impact to change lives through sport
  • Boost your corporate social responsibility
  • Increase the visibility of your work
  • Leverage our specialized team and network with highly qualified experts and leading sport organizations to put in place initiatives
  • Exchange of knowledge and ideas to enhance your work

How to get involved? 

Contact us and find out how we can use the unique features of sport as a force to make an impact by creating opportunities for people in need in our society.  

By supporting our programmes or initiatives and being a donor, you help us create more opportunities and use sport as a vehicle to teach values that can hardly be found in other activities of society! 

  • Donate
  • Bring and/or support an initiative
  • Become a partner
CSCF Foundation

Programs and projects 

Integriball 2.0



IntegriSport 3.0


integriSport Next

Integrisport next



The United Lotteries For Integrity in Sport (ULIS) has been an important partner of CSCF. Three successful projects coordinated by CSCF have received expertise from GLMS, namely the projects IntegriSport and IntegriSport Next for law enforcement and the judiciary on addressing integrity in sports, and the project Integriball, which developed an educational curriculum on the same topic for youth and senior female footballers.

As a result of this long-lasting cooperation, CSCF has become ULIS newest Associate Member.